Got A Question?:

Frequently Asked Questions!


1. How does boutique modeling work? 

 We list models of all ages and both genders. You do no have to live in a specific place in order to list with Runway Exposure Models. We currently have models all over the states, in Canada, the UK and Ireland. We have partners that are nation-wide also. If you are interested in becoming a model, you must submit at least 5 quality photos for consideration. We approve all models as long as the photos are good quality. We then invoice you via PayPal for the length of service you desire {3 month, 6 month or 1 year}. We will create a comp card for you with your photos and stats {name, age, size and state}. Composites will then be uploaded to our Facebook and website where boutiques and designers can choose the model to book that best fits their product. The boutique will contact us with the model(s) that they choose, any photo shoot requests that they may have and we will then contact you with a booking request and any special instructions from the boutique. You have 48 hours to respond from the initial email if you would like to accept the booking. Once you accept, we will then forward your contact info and mailing address to the boutique. You will then have 14 days from the time the package arrives to you to return at least 5 quality photos of each item sent back to us. We will then forward the modeled photos back to the boutique to use for web, print and media, and publish them on our sites. We are the moderator of contact between the chosen model and boutique. All questions or concerns are to be forwarded to Runway Exposure Models, at no time shall the boutique and model have to communicate.

2. Do the photos we submit have to be professional?

 No, but professional photos are recommended and it's proven that it leads to more bookings. However, if you can't provide professional photos, we do require that they are good quality. We do not allow watermarks unless it's a photographers and it's not distracting from the model or date stamps. No items other than props in the photo {example: no crib or refrigerator in the background}, however we do encourage you to be creative but not distracting away from the product. You are not allowed to alter the color of the item being model as it was sent to you that way for a reason or cut the item out of the picture. Outside pictures are always great but please be careful with sun and shadows. If a picture is taken outside, find a completely shaded area.  

3. Do the models get paid? 

 Generally no! However we offer our boutiques to choose either to compensate the product(s) from the boutique for you to keep or if they choose for the product(s) to be returned, they will offer you a monetary compensation for the resale value of the item. It's completely up to the boutique.

4. Are we guaranteed a booking during our listing?

Yes! We are now offering all models who pay their listings in full with our new small price increase for a 3 month listing or more at least one guaranteed booking during their list time with us. The only exception for no guaranteed bookings is any promotional listings {discounted} or giveaways we may participate in.

5. Are only girls booked?  

 No, the online retail world consists of all different types of boutiques. We partner with boutiques for all ages and both genders, so it all depends on what the boutique is looking for as far as specific model qualifications and what they need modeled.